Summer 2022 Youth Spotlight: Christian H.

Christian is one of the graphic design apprentices with us this summer

What is the most interesting thing you have learned this summer?

How to use magazines to create collages. I like how I can put a whole bunch of different things together and make something beautiful. I’ve never done them before this summer and really like them. The ones I made are mostly about basketball and sports.

What has been your favorite project so far?

My favorite project was making our own Instagram post layout on Canva. We picked a template from Canva that we liked and put our own photos and designs on it. I did mine of prom night last year.

What is something that you are looking forward to this summer?

Seeing the final billboard. Designing it has been fun, and the mental health part feels relevant to me. 

Has this class impacted the type of art you want to make? If so, how?

I didn’t really get a choice with choosing graphic design, but I think compared to photo, it is definitely harder. I had to learn how to use Procreate and other programs on the computer.

Favorite Movie: The Hate U Give.

I’ve watched this movie like 12 times. It’s a part of Black excellence and police brutality and justice. It’s one of the first movies I’ve seen where it shows things like these. I like it because this is what we go through in the world today, it’s not fiction, it’s real life.