SAP Spotlight: Chazzon Brown

Senior Apprentice Chazzon Brown has worked at BYA, since July 2019, where he was part of the RePresent Media Team. Over the years, Chazz has shared his passion for art, fashion, dance and justice with his fellow apprentices and staff. Read more below to learn more about Chazz, his experience with BYA over the years and his future plans.

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“My name is Chazzon, and I am 16 years old. I go to City Neighbors High School, and I am in 11th grade now, going into 12th this year. I have been at BYA for three years, since 2019. [At BYA,] I have taken photography, I have taken audio and sound, I have taken editing, and I've also taken graphic design. One of my favorite projects we did at BYA is when we had to interview people [about] their perspective on Baltimore. We actually recorded people and posted on the BYA instagram. We had to interview, and we were taught how to interview people and stuff like that like how to do the camera, sound, make the video, and everything. I am looking forward to the sound art like the sound overlay stuff with Noor.”

Above: Chazz’s object photography and testing lighting for photo project this summer.

“My favorite thing about BYA is that it works around what I like to do, but also it is a place where you can go when it's fun for real. It is something for you to do, and there's not a lot of programs and stuff for kids to do. My favorite thing to do is to dance, rap, to do hair, and design clothes. I am an artist: I like fashion, dance and art. Anything that's going to do with art.”

“In the future, I maybe want my own dance company and my own fashion business. Just getting into what I like to do and talent. Just go for my career and keep going forward. I am thankful for being on this earth. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for the people who take care of me like my mom. And I am thankful for the things that I have in my life with me. I know it's not 4 things, but I'm thankful to be here at BYA doing the things I love.”