Summer 2022 Youth Spotlight: Mark W.

Mark is a photo apprentice with us this summer!

What is the most interesting thing you have learned this summer?

I learned about shutter speed and ISO, like if it’s too bright I gotta turn down the ISO. I didn’t know anything about cameras before this summer, I never even took a photo on a DSLR camera before. I like these cameras because I like how the background is blurry. I enjoy taking landscapes and portraits.

What has been your favorite project so far?

I liked doing the collage with me and Miracle. I like being in pictures and posing.

What is something that you are looking forward to this summer?

Taking more pictures on the DSLR cameras. I want to buy a camera for myself. I want to edit videos too. I know that editing takes awhile but I can do it and I enjoy it. I’ve been taking photos of basketball and football games.

Has this class impacted the type of art you want to make? If so, how?

All I know is that it taught me a lot. I didn’t know anything about cameras before this.

Favorite athletes: For basketball, it’s Kyrie Irving, Stephen Curry, Chris Paul. For football, it’s Lamar Jackson.

Favorite musical artist: Lil Poppa